Schnee Fam Update Spring 2014

The Schneefam is checking in with a quick life and ministry update. Here are some highlights: 
This summer Caite will be recording an EP (short album) in New Mexico. When that’s finished, we’ll be sure to send you all a download code for a free copy. I’m really excited to hear it. She has some amazing songs in the works. On top of that she’s be hagning with our neighbors, leading worship, and helping with the mommy-n-me group. For some insight into what the Lord is teaching her, check out this recent blog post:
The girls are loving SoCal life. Aria enjoys dancing around the house to kids music dressed as a super hero. Otherwise she’s our resident “play kitchen” baker, and loves to spend time with her friends. One of her best friends is the infamous Baby V. Violet, or Bubba Pie, is our little gibbering tornado. She’s walking and talking up a storm, always on a mission with her toy grocery cart and Trader Joe’s bags she fills with anything she can find. 
I’m doing well, and continuing to get a ton of opportunities to lead, preach, counsel, and learn at Redeemer and HMI ( Really, this has been an incredible season of growth and learning to trust God. This summer marks 2 years (of 3) out here. I’ll be on mission in Asia in July, but when we return we’ll begin to start asking the question of next steps. Please pray for our family as we knock on doors and discern our calling. In case you’re interested, there’s some recent preaching here:
We deeply appreciate your prayers and support. There’s no way we could be out here, learning, serving, and growing without your help. If there is any way we can pray for your family please do let us know. If you have any questions feel free to ask. 
Greg, Caitelen, Aria, and Violet

Giving update

Hello all,

I wanted to let you know that I updated our “Support Details” page for the new MoGiv site.

Here is the link:

Here is the mogiv link if you’d like to go their directly:

Also, here are some step by step instructions on how to give via Mogiv. The process is very easy:

1. Go to this page:
2. Click Give (upper right, next to Redeemer logo).
3. A box will come up with a few options. Click scheduled, then type in the desired amount.
4. If you already set up a mogiv account, use your saved info. If not, click the box (blue dot) that says “I want to create a MoGiv account” and punch in your info.
5. Once you do that a final screen will show up for you to confirm by clicking “Give” or not by clicking “cancel.”
If you have ANY questions or needs please email me or Tricia (our finance guru) at
God bless you all and thank you for your generosity,
Greg, Caite, Aria and Violet

Schnee-Fam Update: 1 Year Anniversary


Friends and Family,

Caite and I want to continue to send you our love and thanks for your support, prayers, and encouragement. Some really cool stuff is happening around here, and we’d like to share a few details with you on the eve of our 1 year anniversary of ministry and mission in So Cal.
1. First, I’m loving a new aspect of my overall role here: working with Young Families and Young adults (25-35ish). At this point, I have a more official staff position and a clearer job description (pastoral intern with a focus on young adults). Our YA ministry, Anchor, has around 100+ folks, and is integrated into the life of the whole church. Here’s a link to our web page if you’re interested in some of the things we do:
2. The merger is upon us. You may remember that two churches, NCPC and Harbor North County have prayed about and explored the possibility of a merger in the last year. We’ll, it looks like things are moving forward, which is great news. Here are some details on the time line if you’re interested: It has been wonderful to learn from and contribute to this process as a part of the “brand steering committee” and sitting in on lots of lively pastor/elder discussions. God has shown both churches that we will be better together. Please pray for us as we merge.
3. Schnee specific updates include the girls getting cuter and crazier by the day, a trip back to ABQ in October, my Ordination exam in September, and lots of hanging out with neighbors and folks in the community. Caite has led music at a few events (with a few more on the horizon), and we’re both getting some great opportunities to serve and use our gifts out here. There’s tons more info on our FaceBook pages, or, I’m happy to email you extra details if you’re curious. 😉
4. Prayer. Please continue to pray our us in our mission and ministry. We need it and deeply appreciate it. Along these lines, we want to pray for you as well. Please email me back if there are any specific ways we can lift you up in prayer. This is not a token “end of
support letter” request. We really do want to pray with and for you as you need arises. Let us know.
Thanks for reading our update. Blessings and love to you all.


A brief UPDATE on the recent Schnee-Fam adventures & developments in SD

Brief? Yea. I know you doubt me…cause you know me. But now I can harness the power of the LINK (cue evil villain cackle). You’re still skeptical. We’ll see…

To all our wonderful friends, family, and supporters, 

Foremost, as always, a huge thanks for your prayers, encouragement, and partnership in our ministry. God is good, and we’re now doing a ton of great stuff at NCPC (, with Harbor North Country (, and in our little community. 
The Family is doing great. Like you, we have good days and bad, but we’re so blessed. Just look at that picture! 🙂 Thankfully Caitelen handles here 3 children well, and our dog.  
Speaking of the infamous (idea stolen from Basil Marceaux), she’s singing a lot these days. Thanks to her, they want to keep me around. She’ll be helping Shannon Quintana (DSCers know her songs) lead this week, and has a ladies brunch, retreat, and many Sundays on the horizon where she not only accompanies but leads many songs. She’s always putting new stuff on her page for your listening pleasure (art/poetry too). 
With the merger (between NCPC/HarborNC) looking very good, some new doors are open to me. I’ll be working with Young Adults & Marrieds at Anchor (, helping with Men’s ministry (see the Baconalia), missions, and preaching even more than I expected. ( The other big piece of the pie is my impending “transfer of Ordination” examinations, which will take place in September. It’s a huge test, with multiple layers (written, oral, cross-exam, etc), so prayers are appreciated. 
We have challenges out here as well. It isn’t all beach trips and sunny days. We feel the weight of wanting to serve our church well, and especially to connect with folks in our world  so we can share the love of Jesus. Your prayers and support are what pull us through. 
Whew. You made it. Thanks for taking the time. Our prayers are with you all, 


Greg, Caitelen, Aria, and Violet


Schnee Family Update: 6 full Months of Ministry, Mission, and God on the Move

Friends and Family,

It’s hard to believe that the Schnee-clan has been in SD (Encinitas to be precise) for 6 months. Aria is dancing in tutus all over the living room and Violet is already the cutest 5 month old on the west coast. We were warned, but it’s really something when you see time fly. 

We are blessed, and much of that is because of you. So, at the outset, let us thank you for your friendship, partnership, prayers, support, and love. Please continue to pray for us. We need it, and are confident it makes a difference. 

Below are a few updates we hope you’ll give a look-see. I’ve tried to consolidate the highlights. I could write a page on each, but then you’d hit the delete button. If you would like any more info on any aspect of the following, I’m always available via email or phone. Actually, we have a nice fold out couch (thanks Aunt Susan), so why not just cruise on out for a visit. 


*My training in pastoral ministry (preaching, teaching, shepherding, leading, initiating, and discipleship) continues to grow and develop here at NCPC ( 

*This last Sunday I preached on the 6th petition of the Lord’s prayer (“lead us not…”):

*I’m learning from Elder and Staff meetings, leading a great community group, helping with Book-n-brew, and getting lots of humbling counseling opportunities. 

*As a few of you know, I’ve been invited to help lead a trip to Israel in March. It’s a once in a life time opportunity, and I am honored to attend. Thanks to a generous scholarship from NCPC and some savings from my job at Liberty, the cost of this trip does not require the use of any of our support funds. 

*Ordination is moving forward. God willing, I’ll be able to transfer in to the PCA ( in September. In the mean time, lots of study and writing for my upcoming exams.  


*Recently we hosted an informal Condo Outreach. Basically, we’re seeking to be intentional about having our neighbors over, serving people as best we can, and building community through hospitality in Pacific Pines (which is not that close to the pacific, but does have some nice pine trees). As you can imagine, Caite is responsible for making our a domicile a place people actually want to enter. 

*Another way I’m on mission here is as a “board member” of the newly minted Harbor Ministry Institute. HMI seeks to provide a God-centered education (including an accredited MA in conjunction with RTS) with a local church feel and a missional emphasis. I am very excited to be a part of this venture, and recently had several fruitful meetings with Andy Peterson, the President of RTSVirtual. Things are moving forward quickly. If you’d like a little taste of HMI, see this promo video:

*Caite continues to have opportunities to sing, write music (including a really cool new version of the Doxology), and exercise her gifts. Even though we’re no longer in NM, a song she wrote will be featured on Desert Springs Psalterium Vol 2. Here’s a witty/weird promo: And here’s a link to her website for a taste of her original music:

On the Move

*Pending the possibility of a merger between NCPC and Harbor North County we’ve had several wonderful prayer meetings and a unifying men’s retreat. Our pray is that God would give both churches clarity, and that if it be his will, we would truly be better off together. 

*Renewal is a central theme of our goal as two like minded churches. We are praying that God molds us into a people that seek grace renewal in all areas of life. This means we are all being challenged to see the kingdom come outside the church, in mercy, community outreach, the marketplace, and gospel-justice works in and with the city. 


*Caite and I are continually amazed at how the Lord has provided for us. We’ve faced some challenges, but since we stepped out of the boat six months ago our calling is continually confirmed. It’s a tough economy, and we’re in an expensive spot, but each month we have what we need to work, serve, and minister here. 

*On the numbers side, we’re at around 90% of our needed monthly support. All I can say is thank you. More info here:


Pictures: I’ve attached a few recent shots of the fam. Caite puts lots of pics on Facebook if you’re interested in seeing more of the kids. 

Well, that’s an overview of all things SchneeFam. Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers, and we are here if you need anything. Also, if you’d like to be removed from this list, just shoot me an email. 

Greg, Caite, Aria, and Baby-V








Father, we thank you for your mercy and kindness to us. That even in our pride, bad attitudes, and  repeat offenses you cover us in Christ. May we be reminded today of your leading, your ability to give strength, and your plan that will no be thwarted. We pray to see you do great things, and more, to see you new in the great things you are already doing. May your name be gloried in our lives, and may our lives be lived in such a way that the good news of your kingdom goes forth. Amen. 

Schnee Family Update 2013: Big News, Bold Prayers, and Needs

Dear friends and family,
We hope this update finds you well. Once more, we want to thank YOU for your prayer, support, and needed encouragement.
That said, perhaps a cuter thank you is in order. Aria prepared this one just for you:
Below you’ll find a quick preview of our plans and prayers for 2013:
1. Plans are best made with an open hand. When Caite and I came out here, we hoped to study for 2-3 years under Pastor Doug. Well, in God’s perfect timing, Doug has accepted a call to serve at a church in Santa Fe, NM. You read that correctly. Let the irony set in. Now hear this, Doug did not have this in the works when we came here. And I assure you that Caite and I are very excited for both he and Lois. It is a great opportunity, and you should go visit their work-of-art church asap (
What’s more, we are still joyfully here at NCPC. Until the Lord moves us, we are staying in CA, and hope to serve as best we can, even getting to do more now, and praying with everyone that the merger (between NCPC and Harbor North County) happens quickly and smoothly. For us, this is a reminder that God is in control, that he brought us here to grow and challenge us. So, were walking forward by faith in this new phase of our internship, confident that all our best laid plans are ultimately in his hands.
2. We are praying for you! Recently, I’ve been asking many of you for your prayer requests. This is no formality. I believe strongly in prayer as a means of grace, a relational communion wherein God hears and responds to our petitions as they conform to his will. I really do want to pray for you. You’re not on this list by accident. I don’t care if you believe the same way I do…I still consider it an honor to pray for/with you. One way I’m accomplishing this task is by writing a series of corporate prayers (that is, “us” and “we”) on our blog. It’s not a daily thing, but if you’d like to pray with/for us as we do so for you just scroll on down.
3. We ask for your prayers: in all things. But, specifically, to serve well out here, with a joyful heart, sacrificially (cause we, like you, love our comfort). For Caite and I both to be active in lovingly sharing the gospel with those around us (no judgment), in word and deed. That I might grow in my understanding of pastoral ministry, love of people, and preaching/teaching of the Word. That in trials and challenges, we would remember God’s faithfulness. I ask that you’d also join us in prayer for our support needs. We’ve been here for 6 months, at around 85% of our budget goals. My other jobs keep us moving along just fine, but we are truly in need a few other partners in this process.
Love to you all from myself, Caite, Aria, and Baby V

The Lord is gracious

Slow to anger, rich in love He is, good to all who call on him. Father, provider, redeemer, and friend, what a cosmic scandal that we can call you as such. Today, help us by your Spirit to be reminded of your great works, in history, in our present day, and in our lives. When we veer to the left or the right, when pride lies or sadness accuses,  we beg you to help us remember your faithfulness. You are a giver of good gifts, the free grace that we have not earned. Your love to us is not based on our goodness, greatness, stature, or strength. These things do not attract your watching eye. Instead it is our deep need and your willingness to love us that unite to bring us to safety. We praise you for that God. Even when the sea rises and our fears encircle, we will decide by grace to believe your word and receive your comfort. Amen. 


Father in heaven how grateful we are that you are a father to us. And not one that is impotent, but one who is great, mighty, heavenly, and able to do all that we need in accordance with your will. You are God, and yet you give us yourself. You are holy, set apart, and not prey to our petty manipulations. Yet in your holiness, you enter into our helplessness, and provide an anchor for our hope. You have given us life, and bestowed upon us your image, so that in your perfection each of us matters, no matter how inconvenient and imperfect we seem. Lord, it is not only the powerful who receive your mercy, but it is especially the weak, lowly, and powerless who you choose to love. I pray you would enable your children to do the same. Where the world cries “worthless” concerning any one of your precious image bearers, I pray the Church would rise to the rescue. Lord, as you have rescued us in our need, help us to be a rescue to the needy. As you have done to us, not will and fulfill that same glorious mission in our lives for others. We pray that you would make your name glorious in this way. Show the world that you are holy and worthy of praise by the way your love puts our slow feet and hands into the motion of loving our neighbor. 


Father, today I am reminded, almost equally, of your blessings and present sting of the curse. There are many I know rejoicing in thankfulness at circumstances. Others are being drive to despair. In all this we hear you telling us that it is you who is in control, and controlling by a revelation of your Son, and your son an expression of your will to love the unlovely. In that we can take hope, that even as we soar to heights and sink to struggle, you abide with us for your glory and our good. Make that real to us, we pray. And being real to us, that you have chosen in grace to unite yourself to newly created sinners, let us be on display as a taste of your reality to others. Abide with us God, and by Christ’s finished work, help us in our weakness to abide in you. We boldly pray, with full reverence and trembling expectation  We know you can and will do it.