Schnee-Fam Update: 1 Year Anniversary


Friends and Family,

Caite and I want to continue to send you our love and thanks for your support, prayers, and encouragement. Some really cool stuff is happening around here, and we’d like to share a few details with you on the eve of our 1 year anniversary of ministry and mission in So Cal.
1. First, I’m loving a new aspect of my overall role here: working with Young Families and Young adults (25-35ish). At this point, I have a more official staff position and a clearer job description (pastoral intern with a focus on young adults). Our YA ministry, Anchor, has around 100+ folks, and is integrated into the life of the whole church. Here’s a link to our web page if you’re interested in some of the things we do:
2. The merger is upon us. You may remember that two churches, NCPC and Harbor North County have prayed about and explored the possibility of a merger in the last year. We’ll, it looks like things are moving forward, which is great news. Here are some details on the time line if you’re interested: It has been wonderful to learn from and contribute to this process as a part of the “brand steering committee” and sitting in on lots of lively pastor/elder discussions. God has shown both churches that we will be better together. Please pray for us as we merge.
3. Schnee specific updates include the girls getting cuter and crazier by the day, a trip back to ABQ in October, my Ordination exam in September, and lots of hanging out with neighbors and folks in the community. Caite has led music at a few events (with a few more on the horizon), and we’re both getting some great opportunities to serve and use our gifts out here. There’s tons more info on our FaceBook pages, or, I’m happy to email you extra details if you’re curious. 😉
4. Prayer. Please continue to pray our us in our mission and ministry. We need it and deeply appreciate it. Along these lines, we want to pray for you as well. Please email me back if there are any specific ways we can lift you up in prayer. This is not a token “end of
support letter” request. We really do want to pray with and for you as you need arises. Let us know.
Thanks for reading our update. Blessings and love to you all.


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